Calgary Bike Paths Night Safety - Accident

Witnessing a horrific accident Monday night between 9:30 and 10 PM, on the pathway north of the Bow River between the Centre Street and Prince's Island Park bridges, brought home a strong message about the need for helmets and night lights when biking at night. By the time we got there, a small crowd was standing around two injured cyclists, young men in their 20s. One of the young men was eventually able to sit up, while the other was lying next to the path in a pool of blood from a head injury. Calgary EMS arrived quickly, and we hope the second young man survived the incident, but there has been nothing in the news. On that same night, between downtown Calgary and Edworthy Park, we saw many cyclists, including parents with young children, biking the pathways either without lighting on their bicycles, without helmets, or without either lighting or helmets. Some cyclists bike way too fast given the conditions. We had both helmets and lights, but were spooked by other travelers...