Review of Calgary Summer Camps: Royal City Soccer, JunioTech, Quickdraw, STEM Learning Lab

Summer camp can be an amazing experience for kids, while the cost to parents can be significant. The following are some brief notes on our family's experiences with each... Royal City Soccer This was our boys' favorite summer camp. Each day begins with soccer-related activities, individual and group instruction, and some healthy competition. The afternoons end with swimming in an outdoor pool, weather permitting, or indoor games if there is rain. Memorable moments included a game where kids took on the instructors, awards for being a good sport, take-home soccer balls, free necklaces, free candy, and photos sent home with a final email. The instructors were excellent with children, and the other kids in the camp had great attitudes. Lots of varied activity kept kids busy and happy. Bonuses: early dropoff times, late pickup times, professional handling of paperwork. JunioTech Robotics We chose this camp for robotics a...