Henna Hair Coloring Tips: Lush vs. Light Mountain
Being born with mousy (blondish? brownish?) hair and an ounce of vanity will lead to a lifetime of hair coloring... Unfortunately, lots of exposure to the sorts of chemicals found in typical hair dyes will lead to allergic reactions in people sensitive to such things. I started using Lush (http://www.lush.ca/) henna because I still wanted to color my hair, but didn't want the hives or scabs that resulted when I used L'Oreal or Garnier. At the time, my hair had been highlighted a little too zealously so I ended up with bright orangey-red hair. Kinda pretty yet kinda too much for me. As my hair grew out, the color softened. Henna coats the hair shaft like lacquer, so red henna over mousy gives you reddish-brown. If I had skin tones that truly suited auburn, that would've been fine. I tried Lush Caca Brun to tone down the red, but then my hair became too dark and I looked tired. With repeated henna-colorings, the only way to remove ALL the henna is to grow it out. ...