Robotics and Computer Programming for Calgary Kids

Yesterday after school, I took our boys to the First Robotics ( competition in the Olympic Oval at the University of Calgary. We enjoyed the event last year, and this year's medieval theme really put the student-built robots through their paces.

The photo, while not capturing the excitement that we saw in the heat of competition, nevertheless gives you a good idea of the layout:

Our seven-year-old son got so caught up with the pounding music, flashing lights, and cheers, that he came up with his own chant:


Older son and I tried shushing him, to no avail. It turns out that Robot 2013 was an excellent competitor, picking up the volleyball and sending it into the opposing team's castle with nearly every throw. My apologies to those around us in the stands who may have been disturbed by a little boy's exuberance - his voice does get a bit shrill and off-beat.

Afterwards, while checking out the display areas, we got word of kid's robotics and computer programming classes. Held at the U of C after school and during the summer, the instructors from an outfit called JunioTech Robotics ( use robots to teach Python programming to kids aged 7-14 years.

Dad, a Python programmer, thought this was an excellent idea, and the two boys were promptly signed up. For my part, I would like to spread the word about this program for others out there who may be interested. Cheers!


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